
KOSMOWETTER - Auffälligkeiten Erdmagnetfeld - Geomagnetischer Sturm 13.04.2012, 08:42h


Wir haben einen geomagnetischen Sturm (Kp 5)

Gruß Anette

3-day Estimated Planetary K-index graph


MAGNETIC STORM: A solar wind stream is buffeting Earth's magnetic field, sparking a mild (Kp=5) geomagnetic storm around the poles on April 12-13. In Europe, Northern Lights descended as far south as Ireland:

"The display burst into life for about 15 minutes around midnight, with shafts of light reaching skyward and visible lateral movement across the horizon," says photographer Daragh McDonough of Horn Head, Co. Donegal, Ireland. "I was very happy to have stayed out in the unseasonably cold April weather."

NOAA forecasters estimate a ~30% chance of more storms around the Arctic Circle during the next 24 hours as the solar wind continues to blow. Aurora alerts: text, phone.

Die Kosmische Tagesschau ist ein Dienst von AbundantHope Deutschland.
Diese Nachricht wurde von Anette Sophia versendet.

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